Like many hyperbaric medicine doctors, I got into the field through my love of diving. Many years ago I was lecturing at one of the beautiful diving medicine courses offered by Paul Sheffield (ATMO) and the late Helen Davis. The main attraction at the meeting was the legendary cinematographer, Stan Waterman.
En route home (perhaps from Bonaire, I have forgotten), weather was terrible in Miami and he and I were stuck there waiting for storms to clear. I found myself at a bar in the Miami airport with Stan Waterman. I sat completely enthralled for hours as he regaled me with stories of filming movies like “The Deep,” and “The Abyss,” — with tales of the challenges of filming underwater and the unscripted moments behind the scenes when Hollywood fame and maritime nature intersected. I did not want that day to end. It remains one of my fondest memories.
Stan is 93 this month. If you would like to hear some of the stories he told me that rainy day in Miami, you can read them in his new book, Sea Salt II. He’s inscribing the hardback copies if you order them from his website.
In one of our email exchanges about the book he said: “I still have stories to write about from those many years of getting wet. One of my favorite quotes comes from, The Wind In the Willows by Kenneth Graham, “…………and when the play has been played, and the cup has been drained, come home to your river with a goodly store of memories for company”.
What a great story teller he is. Happy 93rd Birthday Stan!
Do the Right Thing!™

Dr. Fife is a world renowned wound care physician dedicated to improving patient outcomes through quality driven care. Please visit my blog at and my Youtube channel at
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