Guest Blogger Dr. Marissa Carter

The Tipping Point

The Tipping Point

At some point, the mental illness impact will be worse than the impact of COVID. I don’t know when we will get to that tipping point, but I suspect we will get there soon.

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SARS-Cov2 b1.1.7 Strain May Be More Deadly

SARS-Cov2 b1.1.7 Strain May Be More Deadly

I keep telling myself that we always have more courage and resilience than we give ourselves credit for, and that you don’t know what you are capable of doing until you are tested. This is the test.

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The Winter of Our COVID Discontent

The Winter of Our COVID Discontent

Dr. Carter has posted a new article on her own blog about COVID-19. “Things are not looking good in regard to the COVID-19 virus. Infection rates are totally out of control…“

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The WHO Said WHAT?

The WHO Said WHAT?

It appears to guest blogger Dr. Marissa Carter that that the WHO has lost the plot when it comes to COVID-19.

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Wound Care Reimbursements

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