The COVID-19 Diaries

Guest blog from a friend and colleague who practices Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine and is also a Critical Care physician. Here are her COVID-19 Diaries – uncensored.
The One-Year Anniversary of the COVID Crucible

The One-Year Anniversary of the COVID Crucible

The author of “COVID Diaries” reflects on the one year anniversary of the pandemic at her institution. All I can say is, wow — you need to read this. Giants walk among us, but some of them are disguised as ordinary people.

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COVID Warriors Video

Our Covid Diaries author mentioned a video created by an ICU nurse as a tribute to the healthcare workers. We got permission to share the link with you.

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The COVID-19 Diaries: COVID Weary

The COVID-19 Diaries: COVID Weary

Our nation, our economy, our world and our little hospital has been up-ended by the virus and the politicization of what ought to be a non-partisan fight. We are all just so weary.

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COVID Concrete

COVID Concrete

It’s no wonder that these patients are re-defining our understanding of oxygen saturation and hypoxemia.

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COVID-19 Diaries: Battle Fatigue

COVID-19 Diaries: Battle Fatigue

Guest blog from a friend and colleague who practices Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine and is also a Critical Care physician. Here are her COVID-19 Diaries – uncensored.

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COVID-19 Diaries: Here Comes the Sun

COVID-19 Diaries: Here Comes the Sun

Guest blog from a friend and colleague who practices Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine and is also a Critical Care physician. Here are her COVID-19 Diaries – uncensored.

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COVID-19 Diaries: Ondine’s Curse

COVID-19 Diaries: Ondine’s Curse

Guest blog from a friend and colleague who practices Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine and is also a Critical Care physician. Here are her COVID-19 Diaries – uncensored.

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COVID-19 Diaries: This Side UP

COVID-19 Diaries: This Side UP

Guest blog from a friend and colleague who practices Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine and is also a Critical Care physician. Here are her COVID-19 Diaries – uncensored.

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COVID-19 Diaries: Day 5 & 6

COVID-19 Diaries: Day 5 & 6

Guest blog from a friend and colleague who practices Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine and is also a Critical Care physician. Here are her COVID-19 Diaries – uncensored.

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COVID-19 Diaries: Day 4

COVID-19 Diaries: Day 4

Guest blog from a friend and colleague who practices Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine and is also a Critical Care physician. Here are her COVID-19 Diaries – uncensored.

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COVID-19 Diaries: Day 3

COVID-19 Diaries: Day 3

Guest blog from a friend and colleague who practices Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine and is also a Critical Care physician. Here are her COVID-19 Diaries – uncensored.

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Wound Care Reimbursements

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The opinions, comments, and content expressed or implied in my statements are solely my own and do not necessarily reflect the position or views of Intellicure or any of the boards on which I serve.