Is There a Justifiable Price Limit on Cellular Tissue Products (CTPs) / Skin Substitutes? Check Out the Article Now Available

Is There a Justifiable Price Limit on Cellular Tissue Products (CTPs) / Skin Substitutes? Check Out the Article Now Available

Dr. Marissa Carter and I have published, “Counting the Cost of Cellular and/or Tissue-Based Products in Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Is There a Justifiable Price Limit per Square Centimeter?” now available in Advances in Wound Care. Recently I asked readers to predict what...
The Tipping Point

The Tipping Point

Dr. Carter has posted a new article on her site about the COVID pandemic. Her predictive models have consistently outperformed the ones the government favors (see the graphic above and then read her article). She always provides an unbiased scientific perspective, so...