There are rumors swirling that President Trump’s Executive Order (EO) which freezes pending federal regulations and guidance documents will stop the implementation of the LCD(s). I have no inside information about this, but the issue is far from certain. The EO language specifies that it freezes federal regulations and guidance documents. The “skin sub” LCD(s) fall into neither of those categories.

President Trump’s EO refers to a 1993 EO 12866 from President Clinton which defines a “regulatory action,” and if you read that definition, the LCDs do not seem to meet it. I am sure that CMS or even HHS could decide to freeze the implementation of the LCD(s) if they want to. However, my admittedly uninformed reading suggest that President Trump’s EO which freezes pending federal regulations and guidance policies for 60 days doesn’t apply to the LCD(s) in question. Lots of people are seeking clarification about this and if I get any clarification, I will post the answer as soon as I know.

My strong advice is for clinicians to expect for the “skin sub” LCDs to be implemented on February 12th since they are most likely not included in the recent EO.


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