EDIT: Thank you to the medical sales rep who sent me my smile for the day with this message. “Would love to apply but the apply button does not work.  Former [redacted] employee and medical equipment rep.  Let me know or send me a link.” Thank you for letting me know that the button did not work. I am rooting for you in your job search. — Caroline

Projected earnings for this company’s sales are in the millions of dollars. This is possible because at least some of the amniotic products sold cost more than $4,000/cm2. Claims on individual patient wounds can exceed $1M (as ACO medical directors have complained). Food for thought as debate continues around the new LCD(s) to be implemented on Feb. 12th. If CMS continues to reimburse for all products used on other wound types such as pressure ulcers (which are not affected by the LCDs), this excellent job opportunity for a sales rep may continue after Feb. 12th. It will be interesting to see what happens. Until then, an unnamed colleague messaged me that “WTF” now means, “Wait on the Ferrari.” At least until after February.

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