In January, a 5-year-old boy was killed in a monoplace hyperbaric chamber fire in Michigan. Now three people who operated the facility have been charged with second-degree murder.

In response to the tragedy, Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) president Dr. Owen O’Neil posted this message in the society’s Pressure Magazine. Dr. O’Neil emphasizes the importance of adhering to hyperbaric safety protocols and the benefits of hyperbaric facility accreditation. The UHMS offers facility accreditation as well as many training and educational opportunities for all members of the hyperbaric staff.

Here are links to the UHMS position statements on credentialing and supervision of HBOT, office-based facility accreditation guidelines, staffing, and many other topics vital to anyone affiliated with a hyperbaric facility. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has an astounding record of safety, thanks the organizations dedicated to training and chamber safety and to the many committed staff members who implement those safety protocols every day. Lives are at stake, so let us never relax in our commitment to safety and excellence in the practice of Hyperbaric Medicine.

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