Satisfying the MIPS Falls Risk Assessment Requirements | Today’s Wound Clinic (hmpgloballearningnetwork.com)

More and more wound care practitioners are paying attention to the requirements of the Quality Payment Program (QPP), now that ignoring participation can result in a whopping 9% decrease in Medicare payment. One component of the Merit Based Incentive Payment Program (MIPS) is quality reporting but being successful with quality reporting is getting harder and harder. A doctor must report at least 6 quality measures and CMS is gradually getting rid of all the relatively easy, generic measures. To meet MIPS quality reporting, many wound care practitioners are now performing a Fall Risk Assessment. Even though a lot of MIPS quality reporting is of very low value to help patients, this is one activity that might actually help a few patients. Given the high percentage of patients who come into a wound center with a traumatic wound (usually because they fell into something), a lot of our patients are at risk for falls.

Dr. Monica Stout, a geriatrician (and I am proud to say, one of my former Wound Care Fellows!) has written a great article for Today’s Wound Clinic on how to satisfy the MIPS quality measure for a fall risk assessment. It’s a quick read. This could be one of the few useful ways to participate in the quality reporting aspect of MIPS.

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