Cellular Tissue Products (CTPs) / skin substitutes are being pitched as part of a “research project” with payments made as a “reward for contributions to the field.” (The reward payments are related to volume and based on the price of the product.) Note that on the “Research Case Study” form, there is an explanation of why the case study is needed. Because “the days of rebate/discount programs… are coming to an abrupt and unceremonious end.” The “solution” is “research.”  

The Director of Nursing (DON) at the skilled nursing facility is asked to provide the name and contact information for Medicare patients with wounds when they are sent home. (Who cares about HIPAA violations?) Additionally, the DONs are asked to put up a flier in senior apartment buildings to recruit patients. There is a telephone script for product reps to use when calling Medicare patients at home about this “research study” if they currently have an open sore.  

I started to explain the ethical problems associated with all of this, but I should not have to explain it.


Additional Reading:

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