United Healthcare Updates its Skin and Soft Tissue Substitutes Policy Detailing Coverage for Epifix and Grafix® (and Listing the Products They Won’t Cover)

United Healthcare Updates its Skin and Soft Tissue Substitutes Policy Detailing Coverage for Epifix and Grafix® (and Listing the Products They Won’t Cover)

United Healthcare has updated its Skin and Soft Tissue Substitutes policy effective May 1, 2024, which details the coverage and documentation criteria specifically for EpiFix or Grafix® (GrafixPL, GrafixPRIME and GrafixPL PRIME) (Non-Injectable). The policy also...
It’s Finally Happened – CMS Has Issued Instructions on How to Bill a Claim for $99,999,999,99

It’s Finally Happened – CMS Has Issued Instructions on How to Bill a Claim for $99,999,999,99

Five months ago, I posted a blog about the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) posting special instructions on how to submit a claim for CTP/skin subs that was $100,000 or more. I was horrified. By way of background, you need to know that one of the...
On Feb 1st, CMS Started Testing the “Non Pressure Ulcers Episode-Based Cost Measure.” What the Heck is That, and Why Should You Care?

On Feb 1st, CMS Started Testing the “Non Pressure Ulcers Episode-Based Cost Measure.” What the Heck is That, and Why Should You Care?

Cost Measures in the Quality Payment Program (QPP) As I have discussed before, CMS thinks that I practice family medicine. Since nearly half the patients with chronic non-healing wounds have heart failure, CMS thinks that I am their primary care doctor (PCP) because I...