by Caroline Fife, M.D. | Nov 20, 2023 | Fight the Good Fight, Medicare Audits
This is part of my series of articles about Useful Information on Medicare Audits. Palmetto is the MAC for: Region J: Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee (Region J) Region M: North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia (excludes Part B for the counties of...
by Caroline Fife, M.D. | Nov 20, 2023 | Fight the Good Fight, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Medicare Audits
I am posting a series of articles with information directly from the websites of the various MACs. Anyone can access this and I feel a little silly posting it, but several clinicians have told me about audits they are undergoing and they had not paid attention either...
by Caroline Fife, M.D. | Nov 9, 2023 | Fight the Good Fight, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Medicare Audits
This is part of my series of articles about Useful Information on Medicare Audits. I am posting a series of blogs with information directly from the websites of the various MACs. Anyone can access this and I feel a little silly posting it, but several clinicians have...
by Caroline Fife, M.D. | Nov 7, 2023 | Healthcare Payment Policy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Medicare Audits
I have been posting information from the MAC websites about audits and required documentation, particularly for HBOT. The Palmetto MAC website has detailed information about certain specific HBOT indications if you sufficiently medicated to manage the intense...
by Caroline Fife, M.D. | Nov 6, 2023 | Fight the Good Fight, Medicare Audits
I have been posting information from the MAC websites about audits and required documentation, particularly for HBOT since that’s a huge audit focus. I got an email from a colleague in the Palmetto jurisdiction who for many months has been fighting denials for HBOT in...
by Caroline Fife, M.D. | Nov 3, 2023 | Healthcare Payment Policy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Medicare Audits
I have been posting information from the MAC websites about audits and required documentation, particularly for HBOT. The Palmetto MAC website has a lot of detailed information about certain specific HBOT indications. The website is “cute” – you hover over the...
by Caroline Fife, M.D. | Oct 31, 2023 | Fight the Good Fight, Medicare Audits
This is part of my series of articles about Useful Information on Medicare Audits. Palmetto is the MAC for: Region J: Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee (Region J) Region M: North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia (excludes Part B for the counties of...
by Caroline Fife, M.D. | Sep 29, 2023 | Fight the Good Fight, Medicare Audits
I’ve been publishing a series of articles about Useful Information on Medicare Audits. First Coast is the MAC for Florida, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands. Here’s the checklist First Coast used for a Targeted Probe and Educate (TPE) audit. Checklist looks the...
by Caroline Fife, M.D. | Sep 28, 2023 | Fight the Good Fight, Medicare Audits
Clinicians sometimes email me about Medicare audits that they are undergoing. Since nearly everyone is being audited on either hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), the use of “skin subs” – properly known as Cellular and/or tissue-based products (CTPs) — or...