by Caroline Fife, M.D. | Jan 23, 2017 | Fight the Good Fight, Health Information Technology and Wound Care
Like clockwork, the 2017 OIG Work Plan has been released. Once again, wound care in a variety of settings appears on the OIG Work Plan. Hospital outpatient wound care departments are included on this year’s OIG Work Plan and should pay serious attention to the...
by Caroline Fife, M.D. | May 2, 2016 | Fight the Good Fight, Health Information Technology and Wound Care
There’s a new article out published open source (you can download it free) about the “DIME” approach to wound management (Debridement/devitalized tissue, Infection or inflammation, Moisture balance, and wound Edge preparation/wound depth) in relation...
by Caroline Fife, M.D. | Dec 1, 2015 | Cassandra Chronicles: Regulatory and Coverage Policy, Miscellaneous Musings, Pressure Cooker: Rethinking Pressure Ulcers, US Wound Registry
I’m happy to announce the open access publication of another of the Wound Healing Index predictive models in the December issue of Advances in Skin & Wound Care: December 2015 – Volume 28 – Issue 12 – p 560–572...