by Caroline Fife, M.D. | Mar 21, 2017 | Fight the Good Fight, Health Information Technology and Wound Care, Quality Payment Program
Join me TONIGHT (9pm Central Time) to talk about MIPS and the QCDR as they pertain to Podiatry and Wound Care, on ‘Meet the Masters’ with Bret Ribotsky, DPM of Meet the Masters is the leading information forum for today’s dynamic...
by Caroline Fife, M.D. | May 5, 2016 | Fight the Good Fight, Health Information Technology and Wound Care, Quality Payment Program
I’m picking up where I’d left off before SAWC Spring – explaining MIPS, the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System. Although MIPS does not begin until 2017, 85% of the MIPS score is derived from performance in the 2 quality programs that clinicians...
by Caroline Fife, M.D. | Feb 17, 2016 | Fight the Good Fight, Health Information Technology and Wound Care, Quality Payment Program
We have less than two weeks in the deadline for Registry Reporting deadlines for 2016 Meaningful Use Stage 2 Objective 10 (February 29, 2016). But let’s not forget the preparation required in order to successfully pass Quality Reporting for PQRS. Below is a...
by Caroline Fife, M.D. | Jan 14, 2016 | Fight the Good Fight, Health Information Technology and Wound Care, Quality Payment Program
With deadlines fast approaching for so many quality programs and so much at stake, I’m not doing a “What is it?” today. Today I am going to review some of the PQRS measures I selected and provide reasons why I think they are important and you might want to consider...
by Caroline Fife, M.D. | Dec 22, 2015 | Cassandra Chronicles: Regulatory and Coverage Policy, Pressure Cooker: Rethinking Pressure Ulcers, Quality Payment Program, US Wound Registry
Selecting Measures Beginning in 2015, measure selection took on a whole new meaning. No longer was it “ok” to simply pick a few measures that your EHR could easily capture the data and send the results off to CMS. Where once you were paid for reporting, P4R, now with...