Last night the students at the George Bush school of government held a candlelight vigil in honor of late First Lady, Barbara Bush.  http://bush.tamu.edu/  The Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University was founded in 1997, under President George H.W. Bush’s philosophy that public service is a noble calling. I’m grateful for the legacy of Mrs. Bush who was unflinchingly honest, tireless in her work, courageous in her personal and private life, and uncompromising in her values. Inscribed on the plaque is a quote from the January 29, 1991 State of the Union Address: “Let future generations understand the burden and the blessings of freedom. Let them say we stood where duty required us to stand.”
It is heartening to see a new generation committing themselves to these ideals. It is encouraging to know there are a few educational institutions where students are learning something of value for both themselves and the country. I’m thankful for Mrs. Bush and I am remembering her today. I’m reminding myself that our most important tasks are carried out away from the spotlight, will be noticed by few people, and may seem trivial in the grand scheme of life. They may involve not wavering in the face of pressure to compromise, being gracious when we could be rude, or simply doing our duty.

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