Check out this news article about HBOT being used to avoid intubation in severely ill COVID-19 patients at Grenwich Hospital in Connecticut.
“They’re constantly panting for air, breathing at about 45 to 50 breaths per minute… But once in the chamber, patients begin to relax and their breathing slows down. You see the fear start to leave their eyes… For a precious 90 minutes, they actually feel normal again.”
While many hospitals like Greenwich are treating COVID patients under an IRB (Institutional Review Board) approved research protocol, on a case by case basis, practitioners and hospitals can provide HBOT for COVID-19 pneumonia patients without going through the IRB process. That’s called “practicing medicine.” Here’s a link to a previous blog that explains the ethics of the “off-label” use of HBOT.

Dr. Fife is a world renowned wound care physician dedicated to improving patient outcomes through quality driven care. Please visit my blog at and my Youtube channel at
The opinions, comments, and content expressed or implied in my statements are solely my own and do not necessarily reflect the position or views of Intellicure or any of the boards on which I serve.
Dear Dr. Fife
A HBOT chamber when is opened and when is closed has the same pressure inside 1 ATA at sea level.
When you close it and pump air in it ( 1 ATA for example ) it means that the man inside supports a pressure of 1 ATA.( this looks like)
In fact there are 2 pressures : 1 ATA ( sea level pressure + the 1 ATA the added pressure) = 2 ATA in reality.
To understand : if that man is on the beach he bears 1ATA .
If the same man go into the water and he dives 33 feet under water he will feel the pressure of 1 ATA.
The normal pressure of 1 ATA is not feeling it because he is used with it.
Breathing is different for the man on the beach who breathe in the open air at 1 ATA.
In fact the man in the HBOT CHAMBER and the man 33feet underwater breathe under a pressure of 2ATA. ( normal 1 ATA + 1 ATA added to the chamber or 1ATA added by 33feet of water)
Waiting for your comments.
With collegial greetings
Dr. Gabriel Mazilu
From România ( Europe )