Effective January 1, 2021, Texas Health and Safety Code, §§481.0755 requires that prescriptions for controlled substances to be issued electronically unless a waiver has been granted by the appropriate agency. I have been using electronic prescribing for several years, and have come to appreciate it. However, a substantial investment of time and money are required to electronically prescribe controlled substances, as opposed to other medications.

Texas physicians may apply for a waiver from the requirement to use electronic prescribing for controlled substances by submitting a waiver request to the Texas Medical Board (TMB).

You must provide the required information which includes the reason(s) that a waiver is needed. This is a screen shot of the question you must answer, after which you have the opportunity to provide explanatory details.

Waivers for the Texas Controlled Substance Electronic Prescribing Requirement

If you are a Texas physician and your request for a waiver is granted, your profile on the TMB website will show that you have been granted a waiver for electronic prescribing of controlled substances.

My frustration with the new electronic prescribing rules for controlled substances is that drugs like Gabapentin and Pregabalin fall under the rules which were developed primarily to better track opioid use.


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