The Alliance is bringing together payers (e.g., Humana, Aetna, Kaiser Permanente, Noridian), regulators/policymakers (e.g., CMS, FDA, NIH, AHRQ), evidence analysis experts (e.g., Hayes, Milliman Care Guidelines), researchers, medical societies, and manufacturers at its inaugural Wound Care Evidence Summit, May 19-20, 2022, in Bethesda, MD. The gathering will focus on establishing shared clarity around how much and what type of clinical evidence payers need to give a positive coverage decision for products and procedures.

Participants and panelists will together address:

  • FDA on Wound Care Endpoints, Real World Evidence and the Modernization of Clinical Trials
  • NIH and AHRQ on Wound Care Research, Data and Grant Funding
  • Payer Perspectives on the Current State of Wound Care Research and Clinical Practice Guidelines
  • Payer Perspectives on Coverage, Process Issues and Evidentiary Requirements
  • Payer Perspectives on FDA Endpoints and Real-World Evidence Opportunities
  • Payers Perspectives on Clinical Trial Design and Possible Solutions

The summit will be discussion-driven as we tackle clinical guidelines, clinical trials, endpoints, real-world evidence, evidentiary requirements for coverage and more “hot button” issues. We are creating a unique space for payers, regulators, manufacturers and practitioners to address challenges candidly and collaboratively.

Learn more and register at this link.

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