Join me at the Fall SAWC where I will give a talk called “Inside-Out Pressure Injuries: Applying the Angiosome Concept to Pressure Injury Development.”
I am going to present compelling evidence that all Stage 1 pressure injuries are in fact, ischemia reperfusion injuries. Also, I think I will convince you that all Deep Tissue Injuries (DTIs) and Stage 4 pressure “injuries” are infarctions of named blood vessels. In fact, I will challenge any clinician to show me a DTI or a Stage 4 the location of which can NOT be explained by the infarction of a named artery.
If DTI and Stage 4 PIs are “inside-out” tissue infarctions of a named vessel, then our current “prevention protocols” fail because they don’t address the hemodynamic risk factors which cause them. That’s why we can’t “get to zero.” That’s also why we need to stop blaming healthcare providers and change the conversation entirely.
I bet I can convince you! At the very least, come argue with me about it! But, remember, all the evidence is on my side…
Dr. Fife is a world renowned wound care physician dedicated to improving patient outcomes through quality driven care. Please visit my blog at and my Youtube channel at
The opinions, comments, and content expressed or implied in my statements are solely my own and do not necessarily reflect the position or views of Intellicure or any of the boards on which I serve.
Hi Dr. Fife! You have some interesting ideas! I love your blog. Our team has been researching the etiology of terminal skin ulcers reviewing different angiosomes. Since the skin has a horizontal network of blood vessels (similar to tree roots), several blood vessels may be supplying one area of the skin. Conversely, one DTI/PI st.4 may have several affected blood vessels contributing to ischemia. These may be difficult to identify due to variables such as collaterals, anatomic variations etc. I will not be able to attend SAWC Fall this time but would appreciate you sharing your research with us!