Today I am thinking of the veterans in my life with gratitude. I’m donating to my favorite Veteran’s organization today, in honor of these two men.
Dr. Fife is a world renowned wound care physician dedicated to improving patient outcomes through quality driven care. Please visit my blog at and my Youtube channel at
The opinions, comments, and content expressed or implied in my statements are solely my own and do not necessarily reflect the position or views of Intellicure or any of the boards on which I serve.
Dr. Fife,
America”s greatest generation. Poignant. The boldness to risk life and limb for a country beloved is a lesson that must not be lost on any of us. Godspeed to each of our Nation’s defenders.
Mark Melin
Like diabetics and professional athletes, veterans were subjected to multiple physical stresses, severe changes in their living conditions and harsh adaptations of the metabolic system. This has, without a doubt, multiplied the cellular productions in accelerated to fill adaptations and variations of the protection system. Over time, the accelerated production system leaves excess tuning levels in the metabolic memory. Moreover, the accelerated production impoverishes the capacities of these new cells to be effective and useful. These new cells end up becoming hazardous waste, with which the metabolism is always trying to adapt. These excesses of not differentiated cells, which are difficult to recycle, cause the glands to harden, the endothelia to harden and wounds to become more and more chronic. All this to tell you that, for our veterans too, just as in diabetic complications, treatment of immature keratinocytes and cellular debris is very useful. Let’s show them our love, by making them benefit from React-re-cell as much as possible