Today I am thinking of the veterans in my life with gratitude. I’m donating to my favorite Veteran’s organization today, in honor of these two men.

My Father (left), William P. Fife (Col. USAF ret) at 87, my late husband (right) Alan G. Moore, MD (Lt. Col. US Army Medical Corps) and my son William Moore (now a 2nd Lt. in the Texas National Guard) at his 4th grade Veteran’s Day celebration in 2004. Dad was the only WWII veteran there that day. Born in 1917, he told a little girl who came up just to touch him that when he was her age, he had talked to the aging veterans of the Civil War.


William Fife in 1942 serving in WWII.


William Fife, probably December of 1950 in N. Korea (around the time of the infamous “long retreat”)

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