Stop the Madness of Shin Radiation
I Am Getting Really Ticked Off About Shin Radiation… What Will It Take to Stop It?
What will it take to stop the madness of irradiating the shin of elderly people who have skin cancer?
Another New Case for “Stop the Madness of Shin Radiation”
If you have a case like this, feel free to send it to me and I will post it (no patient identifying information please).
A New Case for “Stop the Madness of Shin Radiation”
If you have a case like this, feel free to send it to me and I will post it (no patient identifying information please).
Help Stop the Madness of Shin Radiation
If you have shin radiation wound cases you have treated (successfully or not), tell me your story and I will post them.
Please Stop the Madness of Radiation to the Shin
Please, if you are a patient with a bad skin cancer on the shin and have been recommended to have radiation instead of surgery, get a second opinion.
Stop the Brachytherapy Madness
Someone please stop the skin cancer radiation therapy madness! In exactly 12 months I have seen five cases of severe soft tissue radiation injury to the anterior shin from local radiation for skin...
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