Savor It

Savor It

I didn’t think it was possible for routine outpatients in the Wound Clinic to get sicker, but apparently it is. At the end of a long and defeating day of unsolvable problems, my last patient was a retired physician in his 90’s with a cardiac ejection fraction of 15%....
The “Art” of Wound Care

The “Art” of Wound Care

I recently spoke at a conference where an artist depicted each speaker’s presentation visually. This is how he interpreted my rapid fire, “Current state of wound care in 15 minutes.” Maybe later I’ll post some of the slides for comparison. In the meantime, this...
The Undaunted Spirit Award

The Undaunted Spirit Award

Here’s a photo of a gorgeous Texas quilt, hand crafted by an octogenarian wound center patient (she’s getting her dressing changed). Caroline Fife, M.D.Dr. Fife is a world renowned wound care physician dedicated to improving patient outcomes through quality driven...