Counting the Cost of Cellular and/or Tissue Based Products (CTPs) in Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Is There a Justifiable Price Limit Per Square cm?

Check out our just released paper, “Counting the Cost of Cellular and/or Tissue Based Products in Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Is There a Justifiable Price Limit Per Square cm?” for the complete answer.

A Letter From a Patient About Medicare and Inflation

“Doctors should be really angry about the Medicare fraud you’ve talked about… But right now, it’s touch and go whether I can afford to drive to the doctor…”

Listen to the Interview with Dr. Marissa Carter and Me About Why Chronic Wound Patients Are So Sick

Check out the live interview that Dr. Marissa Carter and I did about why patients with chronic wounds are so sick!

Join Me Next Week in New Orleans for Advances in Wound Management!

Join me for the pre-meeting on “Advances in Wound Management” at the annual Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society meeting next week in New Orleans!

What’s Wrong with Medicare Physician Payment? MIPS!

By any measure, MIPS is a failure when it comes to improving patient quality of care or outcome.

Pondering a Natural and Cost-Effective Wound Care Treatment – Developed by an Orangutan

This is believed to be the first observation of a primate using a plant as a medicinal treatment.

A Great Way to Teach Children History on Memorial Day (Updated)

This Memorial Day, don’t just have a cookout – show your appreciation to a veteran in some specific and practical way.

The Proposed “Skin Substitute” LCDs – A Case Study in How to Prevent Wound Care Innovation

The outcome of this LCD process may be extremely important to the future of the wound care industry.

Don’t Miss Your Chance to Make $594,000 per Cellular Tissue Product (CTP) Application

If you go to dinner with these folks, make them buy you a 300cl Jeroboam of Cristal. They can afford it.

Oh No! I Can’t Remember Their Name… (Can I Eat My Way Out of My Slowing Memory?)

More and more often, I will begin to introduce someone who I’ve known for years and find the mental rolodex empty right after I say, “I’d like you to meet my good friend…uh…”

About Dr. Fife

Dr. Fife is a world-renowned wound care physician. She is the CMO of Intellicure, Inc., Exec. Director of the US Wound Registry & Editor of Today’s Wound Clinic.

Report Honest Healing Rates

Report Honest Healing Rates

It’s time for Wound Care physicians and providers to stand up for truly honest outcomes and transparent quality reporting. If we don’t we may see our entire profession wiped out. Click here to read more.

Guide to the Lymphatic System

A series of articles to summarize more than two decades of work in lymphatic imaging. Click here to read more.

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