Wound Wednesday

If you have followed along with Wound Wednesday for the last several weeks, I have shown a progression of treatment for a with an inflammatory leg ulcer. Here are the final results. 1. Theraskin for GT: inflammatory leg ulcer after debridement with maggots and the...

Monday Musings

Every Monday in April I have been talking about the annual National Quality Forum meeting, healthcare reform and what I think it means to wound care professionals. Why is CMS driving so hard in the direction of quality measurement? The measures CMS really wants to...

Wound Wednesday

I am removing the maggots after only 24 hours (sometimes they are left on longer). Look how clean the wound is. Next week you can see how she did. [wpvideo AinSKUuN] Caroline Fife, M.D.Dr. Fife is a world renowned wound care physician dedicated to improving patient...

Monday Musings

Have you heard of the “Triple Aim”? The Triple Aim is a framework developed by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). The concept is that as we reform our healthcare system, we should simultaneously optimize three dimensions: 1) improve the patient experience...

Wound Wednesday

This is an inflammatory leg ulcer in a patient with an autoimmune disease. I don’t want to use sharp debridement but I’d like to get her ready for a cellular product so I’ve decided to use biological debridement (larval maggots). Next week I will...