The response to the proposed 41.5% cut in the hospital facility fees for HBOT in 2024 has been impressive. Many large hospital systems have told CMS that they will close their hyperbaric operations if the proposed cut is implemented. Rapid response by the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS), the Alliance of Wound care Stakeholders and many others has determined that Medicare’s cost analysis has to be in error (even when you consider the bad cost data provided by hospitals to CMS – it still looks like a “mistake”). However, the fact that CMS made a mistake (assuming that CMS agrees that it’s a mistake) does not mean that it will be fixed at all or fixed before January 1st. (If they do fix it, corrective payments could be made retroactively).

The first letter of concern to CMS had more than 1,600 signatures – many from large hospital systems. However, so many individuals and institutions still wanted to lodge an official complaint that we’ve prepared a second letter. HERE’S YOUR CHANCE TO PROTEST THE DECREASE IN HBOT FACILITY FEES IF YOU DID NOT GET THE CHANCE BEFORE. Time is running out. Use the link below in the message from UHMS Executive Director, John Peters.

I know the holidays are busy – but most of us would like to have a job to go back to in January…

And THANK YOU to everyone who has been working on this at every level.


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